Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine

Metz, December 17, 2020

Université de Lorraine
Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine
Bâtiment UFR-MIM
3, rue Augustin Fresnel
57070 METZ
Link Zoom

Organizing Committee: Salah Mehdi, Angela Pasquale


13:45 - 14:35:   Estanislao HERSCOVICH   (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Title: Renormalization in quantum field theory (after R. Borcherds)
R. Borcherds has introduced a different point of view to formalise perturbative Quantum Field Theory (pQFT), which shares however several features with those already known in the literature and that are based on work of E. Stueckelberg and A. Pettermann, and H. Epstein and V. Glaser, and more recently of R. Brunetti, K. Fredenhagen and their collaborators, and of C. Brouder, B. Fauser, A. Frabetti, R. Oeckl, to mention a few. In particular, he uses several objects which behave somehow like bialgebras and comodules over them, and which are essential in his definition of Feynman measure. The former objects don’t seem however to be bialgebras in the classical sense, for their product and coproduct are with respect to two different tensor products, and similarly for comodules. Moreover, following physical motivations, these objects are given as some symmetric constructions of geometric nature. The aim of this talk is on the one hand to show that the “bialgebras” and “comodules” introduced by Borcherds cannot “naturally” exist, and on the other side to provide a background where a modified version of the so-called “bialgebras” and “comodules” do exist. This involves a category provided with two monoidal structures satisfying some compatibility conditions. As expected, the modified version of the mentioned “bialgebras” and “comodules” are not so far from the original one, considered by Borcherds. Moreover, I will explain how these new candidates allowed us to prove the first main results stated by Borcherds in his article, which we shall also briefly discuss, namely, the existence of Feynman measures and the free and transitive action of the group of renormalizations (for more details see my manuscript "Renormalization in Quantum Field Theory (after R. Borcherds)”).

Slides of the talk: [pdf]
Video: [mp4]

15:00 - 15:50:   Nadir Matringe (Université de Poitiers)
Title: Galois distinction inside L packets for SLn
Let E/F be a quadratic extension of p-adic fields. An admissible irreducible complex representation π of SLn(E) is called distinguished if HomSLn(F)(π,C) is nonzero. Such representations are the objects studied by the relative Langlands program, developped by Sakellaridis and Venkatesh for spherical pairs, and by D. Prasad for Galois pairs such as (SLn(E),SLn(F)). Representations of SLn(E) are naturally grouped in ackets by the local Langlands correspondence, and we are interested in the following question: if π is distinguished, how can one characterize the distinguished elements of the L-packet L(π)? We will give an answer in terms of degenerate Whittaker models when π is unitary, and if time allows we will state the global analogue of this result. This is a joint work with U.K. Anandavardhanan.

Slides of the talk [pdf]
Video: [mp4]

16:15 - 17:05:   Job KUIT (Universität Paderborn)
Title: The rank condition for discrete series representations
Let G be a real reductive group and H a closed subgroup so that the homogeneous space Z=G/H admits a positive G-invariant Radon-measure. A discrete series representation of Z is an irreducible subrepresentation of the space L2(Z) of square integrable functions on Z. For reductive groups and, more generally, reductive symmetric spaces the existence of discrete series representations is determined by a geometric condition called the rank condition. In this talk I will present a new proof for why the existence of a discrete series representation of a real reductive group G implies the rank condition. The presented approach has the potential to generalize to real spherical spaces. This is joint work with Bernhard Krötz, Eric Opdam and Henrik Schlichtkrull.

Slides of the talk: [pdf]
Video: [mp4]


To register as a participant or for further information, please contact one of the organizers: Salah Mehdi or Angela Pasquale