Publications of Angela Pasquale
Submitted preprints Theses
Scientific publications In preparation
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Submitted preprints

Scientific publications
  1. Symmetry breaking operators for the reductive dual pair $(\textrm{U}_l,\textrm{U}_{l′})$, with M. McKee and T. Przebinda, Indag. Math.36 (2025), Issue 2, 413-449, Preprint version: arxiv:2312.05546
  2. The wave front set correspondence for dual pairs with one member compact, with M. McKee and T. Przebinda, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 40 (2024), no. 3, 823–869. Preprint version: arxiv:2108.10545, hal-03324770
  3. The resonances of the Capelli operators for small split orthosymplectic dual pairs with Roberto Bramati and Tomasz Przebinda, J. Lie Theory 33 (2023), no. 1, 93–132.
      Preprint version: 2208.01759, hal-03744457
  4. Hypergeometric functions of type BC and standard multiplicities, with E. K. Narayanan, Int. Math. Res. Not., Volume 2022, Issue 19, October 2022, Pages 15111–15154 (online publication: 18 June 2021) . Preprint version: arxiv:2008.00337
  5. Derivatives of Elliptic Orbital Integrals on a Symplectic Space, with M. McKee and T. Przebinda, J. of Lie Theory 30, no. 2 (dedicated to Jimmie D. Lawson) (2020), 489--512., hal-02919139v1.
  6. Resonances for the Laplacian on Riemannian symmetric spaces: the case of SL(3,R)/SO(3), with J. Hilgert and T. Przebinda, Represent. Theory 21 (2017), 416-457. Preprint version: arxiv:1411.6527, hal-01096756
  7. Resonances for the Laplacian on products of two rank one Riemannian symmetric spaces, with J. Hilgert and T. Przebinda, J. Funct. Anal. 272 (2017), no. 4, 1477-1523. Preprint version: arxiv:1508.7032, hal-03960463
  8. Resonances for the Laplacian: the cases BC2 and C2 (except SO0(p,2) with p>2 odd), with J. Hilgert and T. Przebinda, pages 159-182, in Geometric Methods in Physics (XXXIV Workshop, Bialowie\dot{z}a, Poland, 2015), P. Kielanowski, S. Twareque Ali, P. Bieliavsky, A. Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier, T. Voronov (eds.), Trends in Mathematics, Springer, 2016.
      [link.springer]. Preprint version: arxiv:1511.00488; hal-01232037
  9. Semisimple orbital integrals on the symplectic space for a real reductive dual pair, with M. Mckee and T. Przebinda, J. Funct. Anal. 268 (2015), 278-335.
      doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2014.10.002. Preprint version: arXiv:1112.0479, hal-01096793
  10. Asymptotics of Harish-Chandra expansions, bounded hypergeometric functions associated with root systems, and applications, with E.K. Narayanan and S. Pusti, Adv. Math. 252 (2014), 227-259.
      doi:10.1016/j.aim.2013.10.027. Preprint version: arxiv:1201.3891, hal-01096768
  11. Ramanujan's Master theorem for the hypergeometric Fourier transform on root systems, with G. Ólafsson, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 19 (2013), no. 6, 1150-1183.
      doi 10.1007/s00041-013-9290-5. Preprint version: arXiv:1211.0024, hal-01232021
  12. Analytic and group-theoretic aspects of the Cosine Transform, with G. Ólafsson and B. Rubin, Contemp. Math. 584 (2013), 167-188. In: Geometric Analysis and Integral Geometry, Eric Todd Quinto, Fulton Gonzalez, Jens Gerlach Christensen (Eds). Preprint version: arXiv:1209.1822, hal-01281896
  13. Ramanujan's Master Theorem for Riemannian symmetric spaces, with G. Ólafsson, J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), no. 11, 4851-4890.
      doi:10.1006/jfan.2000.3721. Preprint version: arXiv:1103.5126, hal-01234565
  14. The Cos^\lambda and Sin^\lambda transforms as intertwining operators between generalized principal series representations of SL(n+1,K), with G. Ólafsson, Adv. Math. 229 (2012), 267-293.
      doi:10.1016/j.aim.2011.08.015. Preprint version: arXiv:1103.4557, hal-01279429
  15. Uncertainty principles for the Schrödinger equation on Riemannian symmetric spaces of the noncompact type, with M. Sundari, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 62 (2012), no.3, 859-886. Preprint version: arXiv:1011.1066, hal-01279413
  16. Resonances and residue operators for symmetric spaces of rank one, with J. Hilgert, J. Math. Pures et Appl. 91 (2009), 495-507
      doi:10.1016/j.matpur.2009.01.009. Preprint version: hal-03960463
  17. Support properties and Holmgren's uniqueness theorem for differential operators with hyperplane singularities, with G. Ólafsson, J. Funct. Anal. 239 (2006), no. 1, 21--43.
      doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2005.12.006. Preprint version: arXiv:math/0410581,
  18. The Paley-Wiener theorem for the Jacobi transform and the local Huygens' principle for root systems with even multiplicities, with T. Branson and G. Ólafsson, Indag. Math. (N.S.) 16 (2005), no. 3-4, 429-442.
      doi:10.1016/S0019-3577(05)80034-5. Preprint version: arXiv:math/0508234, hal-03960463
  19. The Paley-Wiener theorem and the local Huygens' principle for compact symmetric spaces: the even multiplicity case, with T. Branson and G. Ólafsson, Indag. Math. (N.S.) 16 (2005), no. 3-4, 393--428.
      doi:10.1016/S0019-3577(05)80033-3. Preprint version: arXiv:math/0411383, hal-03960498
  20. The $\Theta$-spherical transform and its inversion. Math. Scand. 95 (2004), no. 2, 265-284. or Preprint version: [ps (257k)].
  21. Asymptotic analysis of $\Theta$-hypergeometric functions. Invent. Math. 157, No 1 (2004) 71-122.
      10.1007/s00222-003-0349-9 . Preprint version: [ps (688k)], hal-03960443
  22. A Paley-Wiener theorem for the Θ-hypergeometric transform: the even multiplicity case, with G. Ólafsson. J. Math. Pures et Appl. 83, No 7 (2004), 869-927.
      doi:10.1016/j.matpur.2004.02.002. Preprint version: arXiv:math/0304361.
  23. Paley-Wiener theorems for the $\Theta$-spherical transform: an overview, with G. Ólafsson. Acta Appl. Math. 81, No 1 (2004), 275-309.
      doi:10.1023/B:ACAP.0000024203.22722.ecy Preprint version [ps (406k)]. arXiv:math/0311246v1
  24. The dual horospherical Radon transform as a limit of spherical Radon transforms, with J. Hilgert and E. Vinberg. In: S. G. Gindikin (ed.), Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces: In Memory of F. I. Karpelevich, Amer. Math. Soc. Translations (2) 210 (2003), 135-143.
      Preprint version [ps (186k)],
  25. The dual horospherical Radon transform for polynomials, with J. Hilgert and E. B. Vinberg, Moscow Math. Journal 2 (2002), no. 1, 115-128. . Preprint version: arxiv:math/0109113
  26. Regularity properties of generalized Harish-Chandra expansions, with G. Ólafsson. In A. Strasburger et al. (eds.), Geometry and analysis on finite- and infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Banach Center Publications 55 (2002), 335-348.
  27. On the meromorphic extension of the spherical functions on noncompactly causal symmetric spaces, with G. Ólafsson, J. Funct. Anal. 181 (2001), no. 2, 346-401 (doi:10.1006/jfan.2000.3721)
  28. A Paley-Wiener theorem for the inverse spherical transform, Pacific J. Math. 193 (2000), no. 1, 143-177.
  29. Canonical representations of Sp(1,n) associated with representations of Sp(1), with G. van Dijk, Comm. Math. Phys.202 (1999), no. 3, 651-667.
  30. Harmonic Analysis on vector bundles over Sp(1,n)/Sp(1)xSp(n), with G. van Dijk, Enseign. Math. 45 (1999), no. 3-4, 219-252.
  31. Maximal degenerate representations of SL(n+1,H), J. of Lie Theory 9 (1999), no. 2, 369-382.
  32. A new approach to a hyperspace theory, with R. Lucchetti, J. Convex Anal. 1 (1994), no. 2, 173-193 (1995).
  33. The bounded Vietoris topology and applications, with R. Lucchetti, Ricerche di Mat. 43 (1994), 93-110.  
  34. Hypertopologies induced by scales of functional kind, Boll. Un. Mat. It. 7 (1993), no. 2, 431--449.  


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